you're a mystery yourself
Sunday, February 28, 2010
6:07 PM

thanks jiamin.!

have a safe trip..


catch up sometime man..!


tml n tues will be my last paper..
so yea...
tink today i m gotta burn midnight oil..

i hav lots of tings running thru my mind now...
i don really knw how to discribe it in words..
its too complicated..

all the best for me tml.
ill endure tis final lap!
all the best everyone... ... ...

i thought i was quite impt to u.
but nw i found out
i m jus ur checkpoint.

&the beauty.

Saturday, February 27, 2010
1:41 PM

drink drank but nt really drunk.

from thr i c lots of suffering ppl..

my aim was to get drunk ytd..
even tho i drank quite alot from usual..

went dbl o..
wif a friend..
n his cousins..
ytd was really fun...


was really fun..

cnt stop saying tat haha...

after waking up...i find myself back from a nice dream.
ytd the whole place was really like a dream..
don feel like waking up from it... but somehow
u still hav to..


exams on mon...

gotta start studying nw.

i wanna start afresh..
be a btr person...
is it possible?

&the beauty.

Thursday, February 25, 2010
3:59 PM

didnt had time to update my blog ytd...
was at a friend hus studying overnite...

well... greatly dissappointed cause the topics i studyed didnt came out much..
i blame myself..

many tings happened..
suddenly felt very awkward towards my friends..

the feeling is like...
ur a complete stranger to them...

and one thing i wanna say is...
i hate u... peiyun.. i dont wanna beat ard the bush.. ill jus say ur name...
tink of wad u hav done.
anyway... why care?
i feel awkward towards my friends alrdy..

does my face looks stupid?.
i knw everyone dosen't tink i m smart...
i dont deserve a B+...
but i did work hard for it...
i belive everyone can if u really work hard.
end of story..

nt gotta talk much bout it..

we r even now..
u made me ur everything..
but i did nt made u my everything..

i ended up losing everything by myself..

i belive now, u hav alrdy recovered.
but nw the feeling of losing everything has come on to me..
its retribution..

how i wish right now..
u were by my side listening to wad problems i m facing..
nt as a gf..
but as a friend...

because u always manage to find me a way to solving them...
nw its impossible..
i m sry...


i have no one to turn to..
it concludes what kind of person i am...
sometimes i really hope things would be better.

&the beauty.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
10:58 PM

hello hello...

tml will be the first paper...
pray hard my brains r working tml hee...
jus finished watching ninja assassins...

gotta slp early today!
all the best man everyone..!

nite all!

cant seem to smile.
what can really make me happy?

&the beauty.

Monday, February 22, 2010
8:12 PM


just got back from school...

manage to study some math's

haa... well...
whats in the bag?
memories i decided to throw away...
shall nt talk much bout it.
going nuts soon...
sometimes when u try to help.
u realise ppl dont really giv a damn.
am i a bad person? ... ... ...

&the beauty.

Sunday, February 21, 2010
12:04 AM

yea its me its me....

ha nt really a photogenic...
just a random thought....
cause my blog is kinda empty :)
ill be free after exams...
ill do smth bout it..
went to hav my hair cut today!
super short.
n today is my G friend's bday!
happy 21th....

hoping to study tml!!...
felt abit sad when it all ended n its time to head home agn.

i saw a poster today..

"no matter how slow u go. as long as ur still moving, u will improve."

ok i belive its from the mrt poster.. haha..
hope i got it right.

well tts it for today... good luck to thos who r taking the exams tis coming week!..
all the best..
its only a short process...
endure it and we will hav all the fun after it all ends.

does making urself drunk really helps u to forget everything?
i hope it does...
cause the prob always stays.

&the beauty.

Saturday, February 20, 2010
12:47 AM

a voice that haven fully recover....


plan was to jog at nyp in the morning...

but my body cnt leave the bed...
so decided to hav my breakfast, n ended up jogging at tp..

exams coming exams coming!..


wad m i doing? haha... fetching jiamin to town...
==..... she say i so nice meh?....
say i have no programs then find her... ==...
i got so bad? maybe... okok jiamin i will treat u better nxt time! :)
fetch u home when circle line open... hahaha... i wanna laugh...
who tell u live until so wooloo... still say i forget whr u live... ok my fault sry!

i need friends

true friends

i m sry if i m nt a good friend

ill be better

&the beauty.

Thursday, February 18, 2010
10:02 PM



The Cathay...

Songs of The Sea Sentosa....

maybe 1 day, i will understand...


just got back from tp to study wif my friend js...
well nt really in the mood to study due to some reasons..
erm... but still managed to get some things into my head.!
hope to get good grades for my upcoming exams nxt week... although i dont belive in god... well
jus belive in it for once...

waking up early to jog n study in school...
hope ill nt be alone.. haha..

going to club tml dbl o or powerhus?
still deciding..

seeing tings tat i m nt suppose to c..
thinking bout stuffs tat i m nt suppose to think...
having a weird feeling while trying to fall asleep.

&the beauty.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
9:36 PM

hi every1...

my name is haoen... well its a really plain blog.. sry for nt having so many fancy skins or tags...

haha.. nt really gd at it. so might as well jus write wad i m feeling :)..


my facial expression are lies.. noone really know actually thr r tons of things running thru my mind...

its chinese new year... well every year looks the same but at least thrs something interesting to blog about this year... haha my so call step uncle from taiwan came to celebrate cny wif my family wif her GF!!! haha when the hell is he getting married!...

playboy!! opps =x

anyway i havent given anyone my blog address and i guess noone is also interested in my life haha....

well tis yr's cny is the same day as valentines day...!

wish everyone will learn to treasure wad they have :)..

sent an e-mail to somebody.. but she decided to ignore it... so ya... life still goes on.i've alrdy let it go.
..dont tink so much... exams r ard the corner...

at least the angbao tis yr cheered me up hahahahahahaha!!!! =x......

who can make me feel the same agn....

drink drink drink....hai..


&the beauty.


Ask me anything




Daniel Liu (NYP)
Jiaping (NYP)
Catherine (NYP)


February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010


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fonts&brushes xxx
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- please keep the credits AS THEY ARE :] thankyou.