you're a mystery yourself
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
11:45 PM

been really shag this few days.. hahaha
hey apple! apple !


KNIFE -.-..

cnt stop doing tat to someone lol!
if u knw who u r hahaha
well move on alrdy my friend...

dont tink too much..
because it cnt help just by thinking..
so gotta do something to it..
break the bond..
altho breaking it is a painful fact tat u mus endure.
but after it all ends...
it will make u a happier person...
cause the pain has alrdy been removed..

tho it bleeds..
wounds do heal back..
n in time it will be ready for the next one.
hoping tat u wont get hurt agn :)

&the beauty.

Sunday, March 28, 2010
4:58 PM

sunday today..

had 2 time clubbing days on fri N sat..
thx for joining me !
my friends :)
really enjoy tho the 2 days were kinda turn off..


lots of things happened..
many many things came crashing down.
mind bottling..
i m always at tat..

u were right fei..
for the first time.
i thought tat the situation wont happen on me.
n it came true.
i salute u. :)
i hope u find a nice guy soon.. cause u were really a great gf.
i didnt treasured u. i m sry
n i guess..
mostly the girls i be with ended up, cnt even be friends anymore.

and belive it..
love makes time pass, time makes love pass.~

i guess its really hard for me to really go thru all tat jus to get a girl like u..
yes. u fei.. haa..
if ur even reading my blog.
if u knw wad i can do.

but i dont tink i can find another 1 tat i can do tat for her anymore.
jus enjoying wad i hav now n treasure the friends i've gt.

well tml's is monday.
start of another new week.~!

cheers everyone
good friday is near!

my patients for u is over..
ur cursed to be damned for life..
go ahead n cry it out in ur heart..
cause noone will really care...
u have alrdy let urself ended a lonely person...
the ppl u meet..
r just an illusion..
ur living in ur drunken state..
might as well be dead then suffer this..
sry i feel so evil..
but it feels really dam good now..

&the beauty.

Thursday, March 25, 2010
10:35 PM

ytd was shauns bday!
happy bday shuan..
hope u like the present!

had a chat wif a friend at night..
i cnt express wad i feel nw in words..

its a boring day as usual..
do wad we usually do in the office..
but after work gt prog's!!
friend's wanna go soup spoon, at orchard!
after tat we shop randomly ard lol..
n most of all..
omg tat movie.. cnt stop laughing..
cnt stop...

well then after it all ends..
its home swt home.~

i am laughing out of this...
we'r so lil on conversation..
thr isn't anything for u to say...
and my eyes hurt..
hands shiver..
so u could listen to me...
it really hurts...

&the beauty.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
11:23 PM

i will wait till the day comes..
till the day.
u will come into my arms~..
even how bad the situation is right now between us...

do u care?..

&the beauty.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
10:35 PM

my leg...
my leg.....

pain ><..
jog half way gt bugs keep flying ard attacking me ==...

tink maybe too old for tis..

tml's my friend bday..
happy bday shuan..!

tml's our class gonna celebrate his bday!

well tats all for today.!@

how i wish right now..
i can go back time and undo some stupid things i did..
or is thr still time for us...
i wanna run..

&the beauty.

Monday, March 22, 2010
9:08 PM

its monday!~

nt sad at all
cause time flies really fast today!@

jus came back from my nite jog..!
kinda tired nw...

o ya forgot to say thxs to a friend!
thxs for going shopping wif me!
for my polo T!
u knw who u r!
sry had to trouble u to come down :(..

i am scared...
how should i start...

&the beauty.

Sunday, March 21, 2010
8:47 PM

its sunday!

oh man..
tml's is monday agn :(...

got my hair cut today!~
shorter than usual..
dont feel comfortable with it haa...

looks kinda ugly!

got a new Fred Perry Polo Tee!!
wanted to get it quite long ago alrdy.!

well tats the end of my sunday.!
gotta do my best for attachment tml!
hope everything goes out well~...

What should i do now?
Will u still bother about me?.


&the beauty.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
8:12 PM

cnt belive i slept the whole day!

mind bottling~
seriously. :(

parents went overseas..
and u too..
wad shld i feel nw?

i m sry for what happened..
for everything..
for whatever i hav done..

will you forgive me?

&the beauty.

Friday, March 19, 2010
7:35 PM

TGIF lol..

attachment agn..

hai no programs..

looks like its jus slping today!@



tml is sat!!~

good night~

is it still possible?

&the beauty.

Thursday, March 18, 2010
10:32 PM


its raining agn...


nt jus seeing the rain outside...
but feeling it inside too..

hope tml will be a btr day.~


Good things only comes once.~
but bad things keeps coming...

&the beauty.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
10:45 PM


home swt home..


end of wed..

good night~

walking carefully step by step~...
whrs is the line i shldn't cross?

pls dont slip away..

&the beauty.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
8:48 PM

hello everyone...

first thing first!
thanks jovene...
u helped me alot...

went for a jog in the morning before work haa...
and after work agn...
jus gt back from my nite jog..

thrs nth really to write about...

o o
good luck on the singout competition Lucius...!
sry i cnt join this yr...
having my attachment..
kinda tired..
n dont really have the time to train my songs...
good luck...


kinda tired now..
maybe ill slp early today.
n tml..its .. work work work.. ==
haha office boy..

goodbye tues.!

ill stay back..~
every min every sec is impt....

&the beauty.

Monday, March 15, 2010
9:44 PM

hello hello...
first day of the week..
everyone look like a zombie in the office haha..
its was... REALLY REALLY quiet..

Well it was Our CEO's Birthday today!
Happy Birthday Mr Thomas! :)
first time having a conversation with him..
CEO: do u knw its a really special Day today? u knw why?
Haoen: erm.... erm... its the day u were born? ==..
CEO:Besides THAT~!

CEO:NO NO NO!!!~ u nver learn history?
Haoen: i failed...==..
anyway i forgot wad he told me after tat hahah..

white mr thomas // red sabastian

The guy in white is our CEO

I cant desire anymore hopes on u already~
goodbye monday~

&the beauty.

Sunday, March 14, 2010
11:27 PM

Hiking DAY!!
pictures n more pictures!



look here stupid monkey..

End... :)

i donno why i still care about u...

&the beauty.

12:35 AM

its jogging + gym day today..


kinda walk quite a long distance...
whr do i wanna stop?

tml's hiking day with my classmates..

sometimes i hope things would be better..
but it always turn's out getting worst...

&the beauty.

Saturday, March 13, 2010
3:43 AM

jus came back from clubbing :)

actually wanna slp..
but friends ORD..
hahah ask me to celebrate wif them haha..

well went to dbl o..


lots of man and more man!!


but then..
so sad to c somebody come..
n yet tells me its dinner with friends..
i belive i was tooo naive..
to even belive..
tat she likes me ... wad a fool i was..
same same... i lied n she lied..
saw her wif a new guy...
good luck with ur new guy! :)
u have my blessing...
i m really letting my feelins away..
time will wash away the lies u gave me...
didnt wanna say it more badly..
jus hope she find some1 good...
take care...
its impossible for us to be friends anymore...
i guess the light was all along... an illusion in my heart..
waking up from my dreamland ...
it was a good journey..

end of story...
1 week...
same place...
same day...
it all ends thr...
goodnight everyone..

&the beauty.

Friday, March 12, 2010
7:56 PM

hi its me ..


ill be slping soon..
thr r things in my mind..
which i wanna share..
i m still kinda down...
regret on the stupid things i did..


ur so close to me, yet so far away
the last grim of light is going off soon..
i dont wanna be in the dark alone anymore..
is it still early for me ?
could i still take it slow with u?

i love you...
i m sorry...
is it still early to turn back...

&the beauty.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
9:40 AM

dam lifeless at attachment hahaha

i hope time pass fast right now..

learn it..
earn it..
trust it...
embrace it..

i love u :)

&the beauty.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
9:33 AM

i m dead tired.....


&the beauty.

Monday, March 8, 2010
1:05 AM

we always experience new things.
new ppl..
diff char's..
we mature as time passes...
every story could be hurtful..
time could wash away the pain and leave the happiness as shells to stay on shore.

we can love many ppl in life...
but we dont knw which one we are destined to be with.
noone would want to miss any chance if they can love someone.
we will nver knw..
they could be ur last...
they could walk with you till the end of life..
or they could stop at a checkpoint..

&the beauty.

Saturday, March 6, 2010
1:05 PM

hey its me agn ur friendly... == opps..

nvm that..

from here can tell tat i m in good mood :)

well jus woke up..

ytd's was seriously one of the best night's i ever had..
it was unexpected!
my misssion was jus to drinkkkkkk...!
n my friends...
yes i m still very shy...

n u knw wad...
the most PS thing tat she asked me..
why is ur heart beating so fast...
pls dont laugh.. i was shy...

after a crazy nite...
its time to head hm...
n wake up from tis dreamland..
but i tink i havent really woke up...
really dont wish to...

"in the darkness i see a spark of light."
"it guides the heart and tell's it which way to take"
"will the light of fire continue to burn or ... ..."

"baby u woke me up"

&the beauty.

Friday, March 5, 2010
6:35 PM

i m on my way to DreamLand..

When i fall , thr always been a hand pulling me back up.
but now when i fall..
i knw i must get back up by myself.
the hand is no longer thr anymore.

ur silly smile, brighten's up my day.
ur cry causes rain in my heart.

thr's no rain nor sunshine in me.

&the beauty.

Thursday, March 4, 2010
8:33 PM

nt really..


ytd i went to c a friend of mine off...

we went to chill at dbl o lounge.
well jus one bottle..
n er hem...


but i m fine...
i shld be the 1 drunk but...
i m alright..

have a safe trip :)..

happy go lucky.
i wanna be someone like tat..

&the beauty.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
8:20 PM

today marks the last day of our exams..

its a long day today.


hope after tis we dont go our separate ways..



y do u keep flashing into my mind..
even when i close my eyes..
let me go..

i was the one who said tat..


"love makes time pass, time makes love pass."
"the spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in."
have u found that person to fill in ur spaces?

let bygones be bygones..

&the beauty.

1:40 AM

Pulling myself back up.

&the beauty.

Monday, March 1, 2010
4:26 PM

4 months alrdy..


ur right..

i guess tat time i was acting cool..
telling u tat i've alrdy moved on.


the fact is..


fake eyelashes
chocolate waffle..
almond soya milk
calbury hot chocolate..
fail ice milo..
hate's small shrimps in food.
fish n chips wif my uncle's special chili sauce n tartar.. spreading on top like a bread.
no blood on beef.
cheese cakes.
being a baby.
lil haoen.
movies tat breaks the heart.
LiuSa (David Tao)



i feel lifeless..
how to smile agn?

&the beauty.


Ask me anything




Daniel Liu (NYP)
Jiaping (NYP)
Catherine (NYP)


February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010


designer joy.deprived
fonts&brushes xxx
images x
image hosting x

Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

- please keep the credits AS THEY ARE :] thankyou.